I've received many, many cards and emails with well wishes over the course of these past six months. By far the most entertaining one that showed up was the above. It was made by my uncle Johnny, who is actually quite a craftsman. I've yet to fully interpret the meaning, but it was the only card I got that was handmade! It'll probably end up in a frame and on my wall.
Well, it seems a notification got sent out saying that this blog had been updated even though no changes had actually been made. I've heard from a few people wanting to know what the new news was because they got an email with nothing in it, so I'll give the people what they demand...
I've said before that it was hard to update the blog when I felt bad. It's even harder when I feel fine...and I love it. I'm well on my way to getting back to being a world dominator and it feels great. I did have a small hiccup about a month ago when I found a lump on the inside of my thigh, but it turned out to be just a cyst. How exciting!
The next step is to get my mediport out and that will be taking place on November 8th. I check in at 6am and get the sucker yanked out at 8am. It took less that 30 minutes to put in, so I'm guessing I'll be home in time to watch all of my favorite midday court room shows on Fox (Divorce Court from 9-10, Judge Joe Brown from 10-11, Judge Mathis from 11-12, The People's Court from 12-1, Christina's Court from 1-2 and Judge Alex from 2-3). After that, I'll get my first PET scan check up on November 19th, which should be a fun-filled way to kick off Thanksgiving week.
I'll post again after the mediport disappears from my chest. There will no doubt be more pictures of me in a hair net making the rounds to share at that point.