With my livelihood directly tied to the NBA playoffs, I become a busy man this time of year. That combined with times I don't feel well leave me booked and spent. Hence the lack of posts (you can probably throw in a touch of lazy as well). Christine also has the keys to this bad boy, so I am going to lean on her more to e-blast my condition when I am laying on the couch insisting that we might as well be living on the sun if we are going to keep the house at 72 degrees (I get warm post-chemo) and telling her not to ask me questions because it hurts to think. Needless to say, she puts up with a lot and will probably end up with a piece of jewelry of her choosing at the end of all of this.
The good news is that the last chemo treatment (#3 of 12) went better than #2. I didn't feel nearly as bad, but I did get to have my first crack at aversions. Little things would make me me shudder and get somewhat nauseous. Soap, my cell phone, water, the couch and a few other things weren't enjoyable for a few days. Also, for a little over a week everything I ate tasted like it had a spoon full of dirt mixed in. I'm still looking for the Mary Poppins song about that one.
I get to do it all over again May 17th. On the bright side, I do appreciate feeling well much more than I ever have. That usually comes about five days after my treatments. By "well" I mean how I felt before I had any of this going on minus a little energy.
FUN FACTSI still have most of my hair. It's definitely thinning, but has yet to come out in giant clumps.
My sleeping woes are over thanks to Ambien CR. It's awesome.
The steroids (anti-nausea drugs) are still helping me find lost weight. My goal is to work out four times before my next treatment (May 31).